Rural target market

Consumers in the developing world are an enormous yet un-tapped opportunity. Since one of the target segments with this initiative is rural South African women, reaching them will be a priority.

Local ambassadors + Grassroots distribution strategies will be key

From our research we've concluded that partnering with rural women and grassroots retailers will be the best way to reach the rural community.

Case studies

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) pioneered the concept of training local women as rural sales agents who sell Unilever products door to door in their communities. As of 2015, the initiative had grown to 70,000 sales agents serving 165,000 Indian villages, and HUL had equipped them with smartphone apps to help them manage inventory and other aspects of their business. [1]

The Philippines is a nation of small retailers. About 95% of the 1 million retail locations are small variety shops, called sari-sari stores. Despite their small size, some of the stores sell as many as 200 different items. Nielsen has estimated they account for 36% of the country’s fast-moving consumer goods sales. [1]

The rough plan

  1. Send initial UN chapter members to Clarens, Nieu-Bethesda, Greyton, Hermanus, and Knysna
  2. Each spends 2 weeks there training rural women with the sales strategy, and resources to be efficient rural sales agents pitching the idea of text-based courses
  3. Repeat for several more rural cities and let the rural women do the rest of the marketing for a commission (~2R per sale)

Urban target market

<aside> 📢 27 million South Africans are on Facebook, as the most trafficked ad-based social media platform, FB ads will be the way to go.


  1. Create a FB business account, or use existing account

  2. Read through this helpful doc to learn what your content strategy should be in promoting the text-based courses

  3. Important metrics for the Facebook Ad campaigns